WARNING: DURING THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE YOU WILL HAVE TO CREATE A NEW PARTITION TABLE ON THE SDCARD/USB DRIVE, AND BY DOING SO YOU WILL PERMANENTLY DELETE THE CONTENTS OF THE SDCARD/USB DRIVE! THE DELETED DATA WON’T GO IN THE TRASH, IT WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED! I WARNED YOU! Picuntu kernel installation method 1. 1. Make sure you have enought space to download danuntu (the download size of the tarball can be seen above the download mirror icon). If you don’t have enough space you can try to download danuntu on a secondary hard drive or on a usb drive. 2. Download the danuntu flavour you prefer (picuntu tarball version). 3. Install gparted by executing one of the commands below. Make sure you choose the right command your distro! If your linux distro isn’t present in the list please use method 2. Debian/Ubuntu/Raspian/Danuntu sudo apt-get install gparted Fedora su -c "yum install gparted" OpenSUSE sudo zypper install gparted 4. Plug in your sdcard/usb drive and open up Gparted. Note: I suggest that you use your internal sdcard reader, if present. 5. In Gparted select your sdcard/USB drive from the menu in the upper-right side of the screen (also remember the device name, in this case /dev/sdb). Be careful to choose the right device (choose it by its size), then click on the device dropdown menu -> Create Partition Table. Set the partition type to msdos (gpt for 2TB+ usb hard disks) and click on apply. As I wrote before,  WITH THIS ACTION THE CONTENTS OF THE SDCARD/USB DRIVE WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED! THE DELETED DATA WON’T GO IN THE TRASH, IT WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED! If you are aware of this, click on apply. Once Gparted has finished recreating the partition table, click on the plus button in the upper-left side of the screen, and add a new primary partition with ext4 file system, linuxroot label and maximum size. Next, click on the green tick button and click on the apply button to apply the operations. Wait until Gparted has finished creating the partition, And close Gparted. 6. Disconnect and Reconnect your sdcard/usb drive and type df -h In the left column of the output of the command there should be the device name that you have remembered before, while the right column gives the mount point of your device: remember it. If no new device appears in the list, type mkdir makeupadevicemountpoint mount devicename1 devicemountpoint (devicename1 is the same mount point that you remembered before only with a 1 added at the end of the name). 7. cd to the directory where you have downloaded danuntu and type the following commands: sudo su #type your password if asked tar -xzpf danuntu-flavournamehere-picuntukern.tar.gz -C devicemountpoint && sync && sync && sync wait five minutes If you are using a 2.0 usb drive or a class <10 sdcard, you should also type sync && sync && sync and wait another 5 minutes. Then unmount your device. This can be done by typing umount devicemountpoint 8. Disconnect your sdcard/usb drive. That’s it!