Requisites: Your SE208BW. A class 10+ micro sdcard (class 6 should work but danuntu will be extremely slow, especially on heavy desktops like kde or xfce), or a USB drive. The size of the sdcard/USB drive must be at least 4 GB (8 for danuntu to work properly). A DVD. Another USB drive with more than 4 GB of space left on it. A telnet client on your PC, tablet or phone. WARNING: DURING THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE YOU WILL HAVE TO CREATE A NEW PARTITION TABLE ON THE FIRST SDCARD/USB DRIVE, AND BY DOING SO YOU WILL PERMANENTLY DELETE THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRST SDCARD/USB DRIVE! THE DELETED DATA WON’T GO IN THE TRASH, IT WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED! I WARNED YOU! 1. Install the debian chroot (any method except 2.0) on your 2° USB drive. If you choose to use method 2.1 or method 2.2 to install the debian chroot you will have to create a loop file bigger than the size of the compressed and extracted danuntu image and skip step 2. 2. Make sure you have enought space left on your 2° USB drive to download danuntu (the download size can be seen above the download mirror icon) and to extract it (below the table of the extracted sizes). To check how much space you’ve got left on your USB drive connect it and type df -h in telnet. The USB drive is mounted on /mnt/usba or /mnt/usbb. Extracted images sizes table 800MB danuntu-base-picuntukern.img 2.6 GB danuntu-gnome-picuntukern.img 3.5GB danuntu-kde-picuntukern.img 1.5GB danuntu-lxde-picuntukern.img 2.5GB danuntu-unity-picuntukern.img 3.5GB danuntu-xfce-picuntukern.img 3. Connect your 2° USB drive and download the danuntu flavour you prefer (picuntu image version). To do this obtain the danuntu download link, then in telnet command line chroot in debian and execute the following commands: apt-get -y install unrar-nonfree wget unrar x danuntu-flavour-picuntukern.img.rar exit 3. Now let’s burn the danuntu image file to your DVD. Insert your DVD into the SE208BW and type in telnet the following command (if you have installed debian using method 1): growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0 -r -J /mnt/usbs/debian/danuntu- flavour-picuntukern.img eject If you have installed debian using method 2.1 or 2.2 type: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0 -r -J /loop/debian/danuntu- flavour-picuntukern.img eject Reinsert the ejected DVD tray. 4. Now let’s write danuntu to the USB drive/sd card. As I wrote before,  WITH THIS ACTION THE CONTENTS OF THE FIRST SDCARD/USB DRIVE WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED! THE DELETED DATA WON’T GO IN THE TRASH, IT WILL BE PERMANENTLY DELETED! Disconnect your second USB drive and connect your first USB drive/sdcard, type dd if=/mnt/tsstodd/danuntu-flavour-picuntukern.img of=/dev/sda && sync && sync && sync wait 5 minutes If you have a class <10 sdcard or a USB 2.0 drive also type sync && sync && sync and wait another 5 minutes. 5. Disconnect your sdcard/usb drive. That’s it!